Thursday 9 October 2008


This blog is to collect my thoughts and opinions on all matters which I find worthwhile to write down. This means that the content will appear fragmented, brash, sometimes taken out of context, and will mostly (but not exclusively) be concerned with philosophy and mathematics. I like to use a minimum of words to express a maximum of meaning, and history has shown that texts written in this style tend to keep their readership better throughout time, compared to encyclopaedic treatises (examples of the fragmentary style include The Bible, Pascal's Pensees, Wittgenstein's Tractatus, Nietzsche, and the encyclopeadic - diplodocus genre includes Diderot's Encyclopedie, the Bourbaki volumes, Russell-Whitehead's Principia Mathematica. One could however argue that the encyplopaedic tomes shape the consciousness of populations without actually having to be read or re-read by newer generations, that they are (what Wittgenstein ironically enough claimed his book was) ladders that can be thrown away after they have been climbed. Such texts may thus serve a purpose, although they usually have to be written by several people with an enormous investment of labour. They are therefore unsuitable for the current format (and perhaps our current times).

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